9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Junior Vet is a fun and educational hands on veterinary camp that will teach the scientific process. Junior Vets will be fully engaged in this week-long introduction to veterinary medicine. They will learn basic animal examinations, compare the frog muscles with those of human muscles, they'll measure and classify bones, use dissection tools for precise investigations of organs and operate microscopes to learn about major body systems. Daily dissections will assist in teaching your future veterinarian similarities and differences between humans and other species.
Note to MUSEUM MEMBERS: Please sign in or register at the top right-hand corner of the screen to receive up to a $25.00 member camp discount. Your tickets will be discounted upon check out. (25.00 discount is available to Smithsonian Family Max members and above.)
Become a member today and enjoy free admission for an entire year plus extra benefits. Membership pays for itself in as little as two visits!
If you need assistance please contact Kennethia Rideaux at camps@thehealthmuseum.org or 713-337-8458.