Monday July 28

Other dates...

9:00 AM  –  3:00 PM


JULY 28-AUGUST 1, 2025

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Start your journey to become a forensic scientist! Tap into your investigative strengths. Investigate medical mysteries that depend on forensic science to solve. Collaborate on a team to create a scene for others to solve. You will enjoy securing, gathering, processing, interpreting and solving throughout this camp!

Note to MUSEUM MEMBERS: Please sign in or register at the top right-hand corner of the screen to receive up to a $25.00 member camp discount. Your tickets will be discounted upon check out. ($25.00 discount is available to Smithsonian Family Max members and above.)

Become a member today and enjoy free admission for an entire year plus extra benefits. Membership pays for itself in as little as two visits! 

If you need assistance please contact Kennethia Rideaux at or 713-337-8458.
